We are an independent partnership dedicated to sustainable development, participatory democracy and creativity. We work through design, music, higher education, research and writing. Our latest work is listed below.
sustainable communities Diane Warburton has authored a chapter on sustainable communities in Tomorrow’s Communities. Lessons for Community-based Transformation in the Age of Global Crises, Policy Press, July 2021.
sound tracks A series of music tracks for films that do not exist. They are all original soundtracks composed, performed and produced by Nigel Ordish (aka Fairman) and will be freely distributed under our Creative Commons licence.
evaluating public dialogue Diane is advising the Wellcome Trust on evaluating their Drug Resistant Infections (DRI) Responsive Dialogues programme being piloted in Thailand and Malawi.
promoting participatory working Core member of Compass Group on Participatory Techniques and co-author of Participation at 45º. Techniques for Citizen-led Change, Compass February 2020.
public dialogue to improve policy making in science Diane is Senior Evaluation Consultant to Sciencewise – the UK Government’s programme to support deliberative public dialogue around science and technology.
video shorts A series of video shorts is being created and produced by Nigel. They will be freely shared under our Creative Commons licence.